Most submissions through this website will be answered within a few minutes, so long as you provide an accurate phone number and email.
Nebraska Septic, is always at your service, with guaranteed proposals, and rapid installation availability.
We are capable of handling any septic emergency, as well as offer competitive pricing with exceptional customer service. We understand most people are protecting themselves within their homes, and a septic emergency will be a terrible thing to happen while everyone is trying their best to stay healthy. If you require immediate assistance, please call (402) 432-1082 at any time.

My name is Steven Lewis, and I am a master installer and inspector for waste-water treatment systems in the state of Nebraska. I provide the high-quality services you expect from a combat veteran, in addition to comprehensive yet straightforward assessments for every situation and a dedication to excellence that will ensure a lasting solution. My goal is to exceed all experiences you have encountered and leave a lasting impression.
I can help you find your next steps if you are unsure where to begin. Messages to this chat go directly to our owner’s phone.